Editorial Board
Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine Editorial Board members have agreed and adhere to the BMJ Editor Roles and Responsibilities guidelines; including our Editor policy on competing interests.
Brian D. Sites, MD
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Lebanon, NH
Declaration of Interests: Nothing to Declare
Associate Editor-in-Chief for Chronic Pain
James Cook University Hospital
Middlesbrough, UK
Associate Editor-in-Chief for Statistics
Matthew A. Davis, MPH, PhD
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Conflicts of Interest
Executive Editors
Andre Boezaart, MD, PhD, FASRA
Gainesville, FL
Anesthesiology and Acute and Perioperative Pain Medicine
Chad M. Brummett, MD
Ann Arbor, MI
Chronic and Interventional Pain
Conflicts of Interest
Xavier Capdevila, MD
Montpellier, France
Chronic and Interventional Pain
Conflicts of Interest
Steven P. Cohen, MD
Baltimore, MD
Chronic and Interventional Pain
Conflicts of Interest
Yun Guan, PhD, MD
Baltimore, MD
Basic Science
Conflicts of Interest
Stavros Memtsoudis, MD, PhD
New York, NY
Population Health and Social Policy
Conflicts of Interest
Philip Peng
Toronto, Canada
Chronic Pain
Anahi Perlas, MD, FRCPC
Toronto, Canada
Regional Anesthesia
Conflicts of Interest
De Q. H. Tran, MD, FRCPC
Montreal, Canada
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain
Conflicts of Interest
Christopher L. Wu, MD
New York, NY
Acute pain medicine
Social Media Editors
Sara Amaral
Santa Catarina, Brazil
Ryan D'Souza
Rochester, MN
Alopi Patel
New Brunswick, NJ
Statistical Advisor for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses
George A. Kelley, DA, FACSM
Boise, ID
Thomas F. Bendtsen, MD, PhD
Aarhus, Denmark
Jens Børglum, MD, PhD
Copenhagen, Denmark
Andrea Chadwick, MD
Kansas City, Kansas
Vincent W. S. Chan, MD, FRCPC
Toronto, Canada
Urs Eichenberger, MD, PhD
Zürich, Switzerland
Eleni Moka
Crete, Greece
Roderick J. Finlayson, MD, PhD
British Columbia, Canada
Jonathan Hagedorn
Rochester, MN
Vivian Ip
Alberta, Canada
Rebecca Johnson, MD
Rochester, MN
Lisa Leffert, MD
Boston, MA
Samer Narouze, MD, PhD
Akron, OH
Brian O'Donnell
Cork, Ireland
David A. Provenzano, MD
Sewickley, PA
Axel Sauter, MD
Oslo, Norway
Eric S. Schwenk, MD
Philadelphia, PA
Ban Tsui, MD, MSC
Stanford, CA
Effrossyni (Gina) Votta-Velis, MD
Chicago, IL
Associate Editors
Rohit Aiyer, MD
Detroit, MI
Eric Albrecht, MD, DESA
Lausanne, Switzerland
Magdalena Anitescu, MD, PhD
Chicago, IL
Ratan Banik
Minneapolis, MN
Anuj Bhatia, MD, PhD
Toronto, Canada
Mark Bicket, MD
Ann Arbor, MI
Ann Maria Bombardieri, MD
Stanford, CA
Jan Boublik, MD, PhD
Stanford, CA
Shane Brogan, MD
Salt Lake City, UT
Yian Chen, MD
Stanford, CA
Toronto, Canada
Steve Coppens
Brabant, Belgium
Joseph Cravero, MD
Boston, MA
Tina Doshi, MD, MHS
Baltimore, MD
Guilherme Ferreira Dos Santos, MD
Barcelona, Spain
Ryan D’Souza, MD
Rochester, MN
Nabil Elkassabany, MD
Philadelphia, PA
Hesham Elsharkawy, MD, MBA, MSc, FASA
Cleveland, OH
Michael Fettiplace, MD
Boston, MA
John F. Finneran, IV, MD
San Diego, CA
Rodney Gabriel, MD
San Diego, California
Michael Gofeld, MD
Toronto, Canada
Andrew T. Gray, MD, PhD
San Francisco, CA
Amitabh Gulati, MD
New York, NY
Emmanuel Guntz
Marseille, France
Rajnish K. Gupta, MD
Nashville, TN
Yavuz Gurkan, MD
Kocaeli, Turkey
Neil Hanson, MD
Edina, MN
Monica W. Harbell, MD
Phoenix, AZ
Stephen Haskins, MD
New York, NY
Afton L. Hassett, PhysD
Ann Arbor, MI
Salim Hayek, MD, PhD
Cleveland, OH
Daryl S. Henshaw, MD
Winston-Salem, NC
Michael Herick, MD
Dartmouth, MA
Pia Jæger, MD, PhD
Copenhagen, Denmark
Saba Javed, MD
Houston, TX
Brinda Bharat Kamdar, MD
Lexington, MA
Manoj K. Karmakar, MD, FRCA
Shatin, Hong Kong
Michelle Kars, MD
Queens, NY
Deirdre Kelleher, MD
New York, NY
Sandra L. Kopp, MD
Rochester, MN
Daniel B. Larach, MD, MSTR
Nashville, TN
Jiabin Liu, MD, PhD
New York, NY
Edward R. Mariano, MD
Palo Alto, CA
Axel Maurice-Szamburski
Marseille, France
Ahtsham Niazi, MD
Toronto, Canada
Steven Orebaugh, MD
Pittsburgh, PA
A. Sassin Sabouri
Boston, MA
Xavier Sala-Blanch, MD
Barcelona, Spain
Francis Salinas, MD
Denver, CO
Hariharan Shankar, MD
Milwaukee, WI
Alexandra Sideris, PhD
New York, NY
Eellan Sivanesan, MD
Baltimore, MD
Ellen Soffin, MD, PhD
New York, NY
Alexander Stone, MD
Boston, MA
Tiffany R. Tedore, MD
New York, NY
Athmaja Thottungal, MB, BS, FRCA
Rochester, United Kingdom
Vishal Uppal, MBBS, FRCA
Halifax, Canada
Jan Van Zundert, MD, PhD, FIPP
Maastricht, Netherlands
Kris Vermeylen
Turnhout, Belgium
Eugene R. Viscusi, MD
Philadelphia, PA
Kamen Vlassakov, MD
Boston, MA
Eric Wang
Baltimore, MD
Robert S. White, MD
New York, NY
Karla Wyatt, MD
Houston, TX
Jacques T. Ya Deau, MD, PhD
New York, NY
Hsiangkuo Yuan, MD
Philadelphia, PA
Quality Associate Analyst
Alessandra C. Bryan
Hanover, NH
Publishing Team
Head of Portfolio: Kathleen Lyons